
Harrison Pool Fund

Supporting MMA

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  • Thank you for your interest in supporting Massanutten Military Academy

Thank you to all the contributors who supported the first phase in the Harrison Pool Fund! The first phase ensured that the Academy could bring the Harrison Pool to full operation and sustainable for years to come!

The second phase of the fund will be used to renovate and revitalize the changing areas, restrooms, and spectator waiting area.  

Our goal is $25,000 by December 30, 2025.

By donating $250+ you will automatically be a member of the Swim Club! Massanutten Military Academy Swim Club members, receive an exclusive, Swim Club t-shirt.

Donations made to the Academy may be tax deductible, please check with your tax advisor for eligibility. Massanutten Military Academy is a 501(c)(3).
Harrison Pool History:

In 1924 the Harrison brothers, both MMA alumni, played a role in the growth of the Academy.  Frank '08 , the older of the 2 brothers, donated $5,000 to the building fund of the Virginia Lee Harrison Hall - named in memory of their mother. Tragically, in 1928 the then completed pool was dedicated to Franks younger brother, Tom,  who was killed in a car accident on his way to the Academy to assess work on the gymnasium.

Construction of the Harrison Pool occurred in phases. The original plans eliminated the pool, changing rooms and the apartment for a new physical education instructor from the original proposal. Harrison Gymnasium was constructed and completed in the spring of 1924, but the pool project did not become realized until 1928.
  • The first year the Academy swam competitively was 1932.
  • Beginning in 1933, the Academy's swim team over the course of the next 10 years experienced an epoch span of success and won 80 of its 85 dual meets.
  • At least 18 times Academy swimmers broke national interscholastic records.
  • The greatest triumph occurred in 1936 when the team was declared the national interscholastic champions.
  • For 10 years, Massanutten was named Virginia State Champions.
    • Harrison Pool

Ways to Give

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  • Online

    Click here to make a donation online, where you can make an online gift directly to Massanutten Military Academy.
  • Phone

    Please call the Academy at 540-459-2167 to make your donation. We accept Visa, Discover, MasterCard and American Express.
  • Mail

    Mail in the pledge form with your payment to the address below.
    Colonels Club-Massanutten Military Academy
    614 S. Main St.
    Woodstock, VA 22664
    Pledge Form
You know your child can do more but is not getting the attention needed in their current environment to reach their full potential. We know that choosing the right school for your child can be difficult because each child is so unique. We believe students should experience school as it should be, a place where children are educated in an environment that leads them to thrive and encourages their maximum potential.
Massanutten Military Academy is a co-educational, non-profit military boarding and day school in Virginia for students in 8th-12th grades with postgraduate studies. We welcome all faiths and live by our motto: Non Nobis Solum (Not For Ourselves Alone).

Massanutten Military Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs.
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