
MMA at a Glance

MMA at a Glance

Receive the Benefits of Both Worlds:
Established in 1899, Massanutten Military Academy has a long tradition of providing a structure for success. It offers the advantages of consistency, discipline, and great STEM-based academics in which military schools excel. It also has grown as a co-ed institution with a traditional school culture, including sports, recreation, and leisure-time activities. Massanutten develops students as people with social skills, respect for others, and an understanding of the world beyond our campus.
Massanutten focuses on character development, leadership, and service to help your student reach their full potential. You may be surprised how high that can be! Contact our admissions team today to schedule a tour or to apply. We are enrolling students for the 2025-2026 school year!
Mission Statement:
Massanutten Military Academy’s mission is to prepare students for lives of meaning, purpose, service and leadership, within a supportive and structured community in which all members of a diverse student body feel a true sense of belonging.
MMA Motto:
Non Nobis Solum 
"Not for Ourselves Alone"

Portrait of a Massanutten Military Academy Graduate

    • 2025 Corps of Cadets

A Massanutten Graduate communicates effectively through verbal and written communication.
  • Active listening
  • Research skills
  • Public speaking
  • Writing skills
  • Technology

A Massanutten graduate creates, develops, implements, and shares new ideas.
  • Observes
  • Networks
  • Experiments
  • Questions

    Global Citizen
    A Massanutten graduate addresses ignorance and intolerance, understands world events, and serves local, national, and international communities. Graduates take skills they have learned to make the world a better place and respects other cultures and traditions.
    • Critical thinking
    • Collaboration
    • Problem solving
    • Awareness of other cultures

    A Massanutten graduate rises to the occasion, does what is right even when no one is looking, and strives to inspire others to do the same.
    • Integrity
    • Goal-oriented
    • Flexible
    • Decisive
    • Accountable
    You know your child can do more but is not getting the attention needed in their current environment to reach their full potential. We know that choosing the right school for your child can be difficult because each child is so unique. We believe students should experience school as it should be, a place where children are educated in an environment that leads them to thrive and encourages their maximum potential.
    Massanutten Military Academy is a co-educational, non-profit military boarding and day school in Virginia for students in 8th-12th grades with postgraduate studies. We welcome all faiths and live by our motto: Non Nobis Solum (Not For Ourselves Alone).

    Massanutten Military Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs.
    © 2025 Massanutten Military Academy. All Rights Reserved